Monday, September 13, 2010

Writing has become a chore

I am seriously beginning to wonder if my brain is shriveling up. I cannot sit down and write a decent paragraph anymore unless it is required for a class. Even then, I can only crank out the bare minimum.

I have so many topics that I want to write about on this blog, but the thought of going through the process of writing gets so overwhelming that those ideas just get thrown into the "to be filed" pile.

Honestly, I envy those who continue to blog on a regular basis, and I now completely understand old friends who have stopped. It really is a very difficult task to keep this thing current. There was a time when all I wanted was to write all day long. I've lost that feeling.

I'm getting a headache already after attempting this post. My head is so foggy and thick, I can no longer find my way around in there.

There ya go. That's an update on what's been happening. :)