Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Perspectives (Part 1): How do you see the world?

Have you ever asked yourself the following questions?

Who am I?
Do I know myself as well as I think I do?
Who are they? Why do they think so differenty?
What motivates me?
Why can't I think/be more like them?
Why can't they think/be more like me?

A friend recently made the following comment:
When someone says something that we agree with, we think it's brilliant. When someone says something that we disagree with, we think it's the dumbest thing we've ever heard.

When you think about it, more often than not, that is our mindset when interacting with each other.

Conflict arises when two or more opposing views cannot agree on which view is the smart/right one and which view is the stupid/wrong one. When we're only focused on what's wright and wrong... eventually, someone has to be wrong. And who wants to be wrong? Do you? I don't!

When you think of the word ocean, does any of the following come to mind?

Are any of them wrong? No, of course not. They are just different perspectives from which we see the ocean.

Can we possibly learn from another perspective, rather than judge it to be right or wrong?

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