Sunday, January 31, 2010

Grass looks greener on the other blogs

I don't know what it is lately, but I've been discovering so many talented and creative people who write blogs. No, I'm not looking for them, but I somehow end up at their sites and drool over their creativity, which seems far superior to mine.

Having been inspired by the originality and genuineness displayed by these sites I've visited, I've made one decision about mine: I will do my best to use my own images for all of my posts from here on out (except, of course, when the post calls for other specific images).

Let's see how that goes...


  1. Thanks, Beanrider! I reallly appreciate that! :)

  2. Wanting to use my own images is why I started drawing them, even though I can't. It's worked out fairly well.

  3. Hi Linda
    Know what you mean about creativity out there.
    Some very talented people who share all their great material.

    The quality of some blogs can be intimidating, but we all have to start somewhere!
