Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Reflection (Part 2)

RES IPSA LOQUITUR - The thing that speaks for itself

RES IPSA LOQUITUR was my #1 motto for the year 2008. This is a legal phrase most often used to describe evidence in a court room. When I learned this phrase, I immediately wanted to make it mine. I wanted to become the thing that speaks for itself. To be genuine. To wear no masks. To be "naked and unashamed," - a good friend taught me this phrase and what it means. (Being naked refers to revealing our true identities and our vulnerabilities... our human-ness) (so get your mind out of the gutter!) ;)

Although the words naked and unashamed used together in one phrase seem oxymoronic, I did my best to stand as I am without shame in all sorts of situations **cringe**. And I stand here before you, still alive and still naked. Well, no one can possibly be absolutely naked and show ALL of who they are, as there are two sides to every human being (a la Carl Jung). However, this year, I did jump off many cliffs of fear.

SAPERE AUDE - Dare to think

I adopted this as my #2 motto. This seems to be a no-brainer. However, free thinking does not come as easily as one might expect. We generally put too much trust in the experts, the media, and the majority. It is easier to let someone else do the thinking for us. It has become important to me to question everything and not take anything at face value. I decided not to be afraid to explore other views. Things are not always what they seem or what others may claim.

The subject of spirituality is one of those things. I've thought/pondered/struggled through so much in my spiritual journey for the past two years that it's a wonder I'm still considered sane. Why do I have such a fondness for atheists? It's not because I'm trying to save their souls, and it's not because I'm unsure of my own spiritual beliefs (although I do constantly check and recheck where I stand). I have a heart for them because I used to judge them. They've taught me so much in the past 15 months and turned my judgment into respect. I respect the atheists/skeptics I've befriended because most of them are not afraid to question and challenge pre-existing ideas and beliefs, even their own. And NO! Being accepting of other views does not infect your own. Things you fear (homosexuality is another example) are not evil monsters that are waiting to swallow you up. It's the fear itself that becomes the blinders which impair our vision.

So... those of you reading this who happen to be the judgmental or closed-minded types: keep your fears in check and come out of your cozy little comfort zones to see what other views can do for your growth!!

NON SEQUITUR - Does not follow

This has become my #3 motto. Others use this phrase to describe something that is out of place... something that does not belong. I use it to describe myself... my uniqueness and my quirkiness... the fact that I never seem to quite fit in anywhere. I lived most of my life resenting this fact and being ashamed of it. I strived most of my life trying to be like everyone else, someone else, anyone else other than myself. But with the help of everything that has transpired in the last few years (especially the year 2008) and everyone who have been my teachers through it all, I have learned (and still learning) to be perfectly okay with the fact that I am NON SEQUITUR in every group. It is not something to run away from but something to embrace and cherish.

I've spent most of 2008 trying to actually become these phrases. I have not succeeded 100% of the time, but there is a definite transformation. After all, life is a work in progress, is it not?

ADDENDUM: It's funny how letting go and allowing yourself to say "yes" to everything (as I learned from my friend, Chuck Hillig) and leaning in to the process of life gives you a better view of everything.

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