Friday, February 13, 2009

MBTI Strengths: Perceiving (P) Preference

Here's a quick run-down of the strengths of the Perceiving (P) preference. Radek Pilich has asked me for this post, and I usually try my best to comply when someone asks for information. Mi knowledge, su knowledge... something like that. :-)

  1. Ps are very very good at saying "yes" to everything.

  2. Ps will always listen to new ideas.

  3. Ps make the impossible possible.

  4. Ps will train you to be a very patient person.

  5. Ps will never make you feel rushed.

  6. Ps are at their best when under pressure.

  7. Ps do not demand an apology, just more possibilities.

  8. Ps see failures as opportunities for improvement.

  9. Ps ALWAYS have more fun, because they can find the fun in everything.

  10. I'm almost positive that the quote "when one door closes, another one opens" came from a P perspective.

And since we're at it, let's explore the weaknesses:
  1. Ps are NOT good at saying "no."
  2. Ps will easily get bored.
  3. Ps are NOT good at finishing a task.
  4. Ps are NOT good at being on time.
  5. Ps will tend to put things off until the last minute.
  6. Ps are NOT good at making decisions.
  7. Ps often get caught up in change for change's sake.
  8. Ps will stop to have fun even when there's no time.
  9. Ps are...
  10. Ps will...

See? There you have it! Another list unfinished....

Oh well... Let's just focus on the positive. ;-)


  1. At a qualifying workshop for the MBTI I was the lone P at a table of Js who had all been sent by their various HR departments. Shortly after lunch, the bulb in the projector blew, bringing a temporary halt to our workshop.

    The Js at my table immediately became tense, communicating in agitated whispers.

    "What's going on?"

    "Why have we stopped?"

    "Were getting BEHIND!"

    Behind us, the table of Ps stood up, produced a bag of bits size Milky Way bars, ripped it open, shouted "Chocolate Break!" and proceeded th throw candy to everyone in the room.

  2. Haha. Great example! Thanks for sharing your experience! :)
