Saturday, July 11, 2009

Open letter to the sensible state trooper

Thank you, Mr. State Trooper, for pointing out that my recently purchased used vehicle of one week was in violation of the Virginia window tint law.

Thank you for being so thoughtful to ask me if I had been pulled over before, to which I replied, "No, I just purchased the vehicle one week ago from someone from another state, and I've just registered it, put on the plates, and had it inspected earlier today."

Thank you for advising me that the rear windows should let in at least 35% of the light and the front window should let in at least 50%, which I agree every driver in the state of Virginia should be aware of, along with many other such laws that most people don't take the time to know inside and out because they just assume that’s the purpose of state inspections.

Thank you for taking such care in filling out all of the blanks on the lovely form you handed to me, called "Virginia Uniform Summons" and letting me know that signing the form in no way means admitting guilt.

Thank you for choosing a court date when I will be in school and cannot afford to miss another class because I just got done working my ass off trying to catch up for the two classes I missed last week because of my kids.

Thank you for keeping your composure when I suddenly lost control and protested that you were being absolutely unfair in giving me a ticket, when a simple warning would have had me in the tinting shop within two days. How was I to know this information about the tint? Where the hell do I find the details of the law? Thank you for consoling me by letting me know that "this is nothing to get so upset over," when my frustration overwhelmed me and I could not talk without crying.

I did later attempt to search for the information, Mr. State Trooper, because, after all, you insisted that I was personally responsible for knowing every state law pertaining to my vehicle. After much trouble, I did find some ambiguous jargon at the bottom of this page on your website.

Then I finally found the information to which you referred on a page that talks about, of all things, medical waivers on the DMV site.

This has been such an educational experience for me, and I am forever grateful to you for teaching me this valuable lesson which I would have never learned otherwise. I would love to appear in court just to have the chance to see you again in all of your brilliance and common sense; however, I have no choice but to mail in my signed admission of guilt along with the $91 in fines.

Please be assured that you have yet again done your duty, and the streets of Virginia are much, MUCH safer place because of it.

With loving respect,


After-thought: Even if I were aware of the specifics of the tint law, shouldn't I be allowed more than a mere week from purchasing the vehicle to correct the problem? I just don't get it...

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