Monday, July 27, 2009

Quentin Tarantino, I know what you mean...

In this week's "The Week" magazine, Quentin Tarantino is quoted as saying:

"When I'm doing a movie, I'm not doing anything else. It's all about the movie. Nothing can get in my way. The whole world can go to hell and burst into flames. I don't care. If you're climbing Mount Everest, you're not doing anything else. All your concerns, all the mundane things, family, any of that, it just--pfft--disappears."

I know EXACTLY what he means by that, because I have that same trait. And it doesn't seem to be a choice. The project, whatever I'm working on, becomes my whole world and nothing else exists for the duration. I end up feeling like I'm short-changing my family, but I can't seem to help myself. It's good to know that there are others.


  1. Is that an NT thing? I am also ENTP and experience that same thing - I also have INTJ friends who experience MAJOR tunnel vision during projects.

  2. Ah yes. It must be an NT trait. Whatever it is, it doesn't earn too many points in the social dept. Oh well...
