Monday, October 27, 2008

twitter dee, twitter dumb...

All those twitter fans out there, please don't be offended.

I've decided to go in and see for myself what it's all about. It's been a whole 7 hours since I signed up for a twitter account. Hmmm... still waiting for that "aha" moment. How is this different than my son's cell phone constantly beeping at him (annoyingly) with text messages?

My initial thoughts are, "This is really dumb" (probably because I don't understand it yet).

Please, please try to make me eat my words. I dare you, twitter!

I'll keep you posted...


  1. You may want to check out this website to read about how you can make the most out of twitter:

    I think the best indication that twitter is such a useful tool is that the majority of users on twitter are successful marketing people or very successful bloggers. You just have to find those people on twitter; follow them and you will see how they use twitter effectively.

    Also, you have to interact with people. You can't just expect to get something out of it if you don't find other people, follow them and make a comment about their posts.

  2. Thank you Trudy! That is helpful...
