Thursday, May 21, 2009

Simple vs. Complex (S/N)

According to the type theory (MBTI), the Sensing types are said to prefer simple and to-the-point information, and the iNtuitives are said to prefer the complex.

Therein lies my problem of not being able to explain anything simply. My extremely "N" brain is so intertwined around so many ideas and concepts that connect to each other in some way. As soon as someone asks for my opinion and I have a thought, it immediately starts to network with hundreds of other thoughts previously stored, looking for connections. And since I'm a master at finding connections between everything (yes, I think Kevin Bacon lives in my brain)... I need to explore and investigate the connections, how they fit together, and why they fit together... are there any more that I have missed? What other future connections could there be? Could there be possible adverse effects? and if so, how can it be prevented? etc. etc... You get the idea.

And if I'm trying to explain a concept to you, try not to have a puzzled look on your face. In my attempt at simplifying it, I will have to go back to the origin of the very first thought that I started with and try to explain each step that I took in coming to the final conclusion and why.  And most likely, there is no conclusion, because I'm always game for continuation.

To an "S," simplifying may mean a condensed version. But to an "N," simplifying means explaining.

If the N is an Introvert (I), perhaps the explanation will be expressed in a more organized and understandable way. But being an Extravert (E), the explanation usually runs out of my mouth as I'm thinking it through; and yes, I agree... oh what a mess it is sometimes!!

And if all that made sense to you, you get two thumbs up!  Or... shall I explain further? ;-)

NOTE: Some aspects of this post has been exaggerated to get my point across. I'm not always that complicated and scattered. Honest! :)


  1. As an extroverted intuitive married to an introverted intuitive, I can tell you that this rings VERY true for us:

    If the N is an Introvert (I), perhaps the explanation will be expressed in a more organized and understandable way. But being an Extravert (E), the explanation usually runs out of my mouth as I'm thinking it throughThat particular dynamic has caused quite a few minunderstandings in my household. My husband THINKS he knows what I'm saying, so stops listening, and I end up quite frustrated from not being heard. Ack.

  2. Hi, Allison!

    Yes, it causes problems with us as well. My husband is an introverted sensing type. I really have to try hard to keep my thinking-out-loud to a minimum. He often thinks I'm telling him my decision when, in fact, I have just begun thinking it through.
