Sunday, January 25, 2009

Elephant in the Room

Painting - LeRoy Neiman

The following story is absolutely true, except for the parts that aren't. ;-)

A man landed at an airport in an unfamiliar city. He did a quick scan of the city on his way to meet with a big shot client, and he did not have a very good first impression of the town. This was very unfortunate, as what was about to happen was beyond his wildest imagination. This is how it all began: He posted his
"140-characters-or-less" thoughts about his first impression on his personal social media account and went about his business.

An employee of the big shot client saw the man's post and immediately alerted the big shot bosses of his big shot company, who then had to take some big shot action right away. And when the big shot bosses get involved, there has to be big shot apologies, big shot hand-shakes and such… and hopefully, that would be the end… right? Wrong!

A big shot news man wrote a big shot story on his big shot blog about the big shot bosses not taking a big enough action to put an end (once and for all) to any negative comments being made about the big shot hand that feeds us. Never mind our true feelings. We must be always civil, polite, and spread fake love all around... by golly, or else!

"Off with his head!"

"Off with his head!"

The chants could be heard all over the nation.

Words to the wise: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT make less than pretty remarks when an elephant is listening. He will step on you. Why? Quite simply, because he can! And he will not hesitate to call in the rest of the herd to trample you as well.

[ADDENDUM: I'd like to add that there are always 360 degrees of very different views to every story. This is just one. Right and wrong is not my focus.]


  1. I concur! And you decided you're not giving any more big-shot attention to it by linking to it from this post...? It's your twitter feed that informed me about all of this, thanks. ;)

  2. Hi Hugo!

    Yep. I thought getting over 2 million hits (as the story is said to have gotten) is probably enough... I didn't need to add to it. :-)
