Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Day in the Life of a "P"

I have a P (perceiving) preference. Very clear. No question.

The following is a perfect example of what happens when I let my P-ness go unrestricted. I occasionally allow myself to have days like this and let the "P" go wild. Remember Risky Business?... "Sometimes, you just gotta say..." :-)

A detailed account of a day in the life of me:

I am in the process of setting up shop (my desk) in the guest room, since I've decided I'm spending way too much time at my desk to be stuck in the basement. As I was making great progress organizing my "stuff" scattered in four different places in the house, I suddenly realized that my office chair is not at all comfortable for sitting in it for longer than two hours at a time. I remembered being impressed with a chair at Costco the other day, so I dropped what I was doing and headed out on my mission.

While I was there, on the spur of the moment, I started looking at printers and decided to pick up a new (fast) printer so I don't have to keep running to Staples (although I've made friends there) to make prints and copies for my clients. [My current printer is slower than _______ (insert your own slow word here)].

Then as I walked by the next isle, I saw a mop that weighs less than 3 pounds and cleans the floor with "steam and no chemicals" "quick and easy". Brilliant!! Anything that will make the chores easier... and on top of that, NO CHEMICALS! (I'm a tree hugger at heart.) I immediately put one in the cart.

As I was checking out, I muttered under my breath, "I ban myself from this place for at least three months..."

I came home and unloaded, temporarily placing the box containing the mop on the kitchen floor. I proceeded to continue working on organizing my new office and saw the picture I had leaned against a wall earlier which I wanted to hang. I headed for the garage for a hammer; and on my way out through the kitchen, I saw my new Steam Mop in the middle of the floor. I suddenly got the urge to mop the kitchen floor... (A new toy, etc.) I opened up the box, quickly assembled the mop, and Voila! It works! What will they think of next? I was half way through mopping the floor when the phone rang. I went to go answer it in the music room and remembered I had to finish getting my scattered books out of there.

While I was throwing the rest of my MBTI materials into a box, I found a song sheet (from my voice lessons) that somehow got mixed in with my work stuff. I remembered that I really need to practice, as my voice teacher didn't seem too pleased last time I was there. While I was singing, my husband came home, and it was time to start dinner.

After eating dinner, I showed him my new mop which will keep my kitchen floor nice and clean "because it's so easy to use," my new printer which will save me so much time and money "in lieu of going to Staples," and my new chair which was a bargain for how nice it is and "approved by the American Chiropractic Association!" He patiently listened with a raised eyebrow. Coming up with evidence to justify my "P" behavior to my husband's ISTJ preference often requires great creativity and skill, mind you. ;-)

"Come and see what I have done with the office so far," I proudly announced; and as we walked into the room, I remembered I was on my way to get a hammer...

Image: Romance-Fire


  1. Totally laughing out loud!!! I have a really old post about being a "J"-

    You should write a rebuttal from a P perspective and I will post it as a guest post from you on my blog.

  2. Wow. as a fellow ENTP, I admire your focus. ;)
