Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I've been tagged... to reveal six random things about me

I’ve been tagged.

Thank you, Breanne, for keeping me in the loop. This sounds like fun. Let’s see… six random things about me:

  1. I have three birthdays: January 15, my real birthday; February 15, my official birthday (paperwork mishap when we moved to the U.S. in 1976); and April 23, my Christian birthday [what I call my “mind blink” moment – you can listen to my testimony here (5/25/2008 recording)].

  2. I speak two languages, English and Korean. I’m also bi-cultural. I have two sets of friends. It requires two different mindsets. I can be fully immersed in either group, but not at the same time.

  3. I worked as an Investigative Specialist on the Special Surveillance Group (SSG) Squad in the New York Office of the FBI in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

  4. I sing every Sunday as part of the Praise and Worship Team at my church.

  5. I have two other blogs here and here.

  6. Sixth random fact about me: "Random" is a funny word to me. I can take any random thing and find a way to connect it to the bigger picture. Ha!

Now, I must pass this chain on to six new friends...

1) Hugo - http://ttm.appspot.com/blog/
2) Ruthie - http://ruthie-zaftig.blogspot.com/
3) Allison - http://musings.meanderwithme.com/
4) Matt - http://www.aninsomniac.co.uk/
5) Miller - http://skepticsplay.blogspot.com/
6) Matt Stone - http://mattstone.blogs.com/glocalchristianity/ - (relieved from this task due to lack of interest) ;-)

New 6) Richard Wade - http://www.mindblink.org/search/label/Richard%20Wade

Here are the rules:

1) Link to the person who tagged you. Please see above.
2) Post the rules on the blog.
3) Write six random things about yourself.
4) Tag six people at the end of your post.
5) Let each person know they have been tagged.
6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Tag! YOU'RE IT!!

UPDATE: Miller, Matt, and Ruthie - you guys are awesome and a good sport! Matt Stone was not interested in humoring me at all. At least Allison and Hugo are fixing to get ready to think about perhaps considering the possibility of taking a few minutes to ponder a few interesting facts about themselves. C'mon people! Where is your sense of child-like play? :-( I took back the tag from Matt Stone and decided to tag someone else who I know is all about not taking life too seriously and who knows how to take a few minutes have fun once in a while. That person is none other than our very own Richard Wade! Tag, Richard! Please don't make me a liar. ;-)


  1. Och, bummer... six random things? That's not so easy. It's really hard for human minds to generate true randomness. (OK, that's a really lame cop-out. *grin*. I'll see what I can do about this later.)

  2. Hugo, you could probably list six miscellaneous things, rather than truly random things. That's probably what this game is looking for.
