Saturday, August 23, 2008

Results of the MindBlink Contest #1

Here's to my faithful readers! (All 7 of you, from looking at the poll results... That's 5 more than I thought, so I guess we're making progress. Yay!!) Actually, I think I have many shy lurkers who are just observing quietly. Hey, it doesn't hurt to hope, does it?

Anyhoo... "Seeing New Perspectives" got the most votes. I think I was leaning toward that one myself; so for now, that will be my tag line.

I promised the Step II assessment to the winner, but there was only one submission. Alli's suggestion (although it was a great one) did not get picked. However, there is one prize and one submission. Do your math. :-)

So... ALLISON!!!!

Wherever you are, contact me at lmckenna[at]mindblink[dot]org to claim your Step II assessment, along with interpretation by me - we'll have to figure out how we can do this. (Prize worth $70 to $100+ depending on who your consultant is.)


  1. Well, yay me ... sort of. Looking back at it, I'm still not perfectly satisfied w/what I submitted, but I had Malcolm Gladwell's book on the brain, almost like "Blink Twice."

    Whatever, woohoo!

    meanderwithme (at) gmail (dot) com

    We can do it online or via phone (or a combo), whichever works for you. Since I've pretty well been self-diagnosed ENFP for 11 years, it'll be interesting to see how the formal assessment comes out. I might surprise myself!

  2. Thanks Alli,

    I'll be emailing you, but I just wanted to say what an amazing coincidence it is that you mention Malcolm Gladwell. Someone just gave me the book "Blink" just two hours ago... And just now, I sat in the car in the garage for 30 minutes, glued to the thing.

    And then I find your comment here... Imagine that! :-)
